16th MMAR 2011 - Plenary Sessions
Control of Power Electronics Grid Interfaces for Renewable Ocean Wave and Wind Energy
Semismooth Newton Methods in PDE-Constrained Optimization: Theory, Numerics and Applications
15th MMAR 2010 - Plenary Sessions
Flat Control Systems - Old and New Results
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras in Robotics
14th MMAR 2009 - Plenary Sessions
Control of Nonholonomic or Underactuated Vehicles by the Transverse Function Approach
Developments in Iterative Learning Control
Sliding Mode Control - Principles and Application
13th MMAR 2007 - Plenary Sessions
A New Look at Observers
An Analytical Perspective on the Control of Bipedal Robot Locomotion
Iterative Learning Control - Algorithms, Robustness and Experimental Benchmarking
Understanding and combating cancer - control theoretic approach
12th MMAR 2006 - Plenary Sessions
Some Issues about the Control of Resonant Processes
An Explicit Characterization of Minimum Wheel-Rotation Paths for Differential-Drives
Game Theory Methods in Control Synthesis of Marine Moving Objects - Mathematical Methods and Computer Support Algorithms
Systems Theory and Robustness in Biology and Ecology
11th MMAR 2005 - Plenary Sessions
Realization and Control Problems for Biochemical Reaction Networks
On the design of Micro Robotic Systems for micro-manipulation and minimally invasive surgery
Multi-Locomotion Robot - Swing Control for Continuous Brachiation
Introduction to Nonlinear Generalized Minimum Variance Control and Potential for Industrial Applications
Stability and Sensitivity Analysis for Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems
10th MMAR 2004 - Plenary Sessions
Making Connections with Stochastic Modeling
A Smart Controller for Cranes
Human Adaptive Mechatronics
Advances in Fault Diagnosis Systems
9th MMAR 2003 - Plenary Sessions
Optimization and Control with Respect to the Geometry
Kinematics of Mobile Manipulators: an Endogenous Configuration Space Approach
Diesel Engine Emissions Aftertreatment Technologies for Removing or Controlling Particulate Matter (PM)
Dynamic Pricing for Management and Control of Communication Networks
8th MMAR 2002 - Plenary Sessions
Information Mining with Fuzzy Methods: Trends and Current Challenges
Linguistic Data Symmaries: Towards and Increased Role of Natural Language in Data Mining
Can Newtonian Mechanics Explicate Why and How Babies (or Robots) Acquire Dexterous Hand Motion?
A Computational Method for Feedback Control in Distributed Parameter Systems
7th MMAR 2001 - Plenary Sessions
Automation: Friend or Foe?
Feedback-Loop Preformance Monitoring for Controller Falsification
Towards an Autonomous Mobile Robot Working in Daily-life Environment
Design of Lyapunov Function for Control of Robot Manipulators
Nonlinear Predictive Control for Manufacturing and Robotic Applications
6th MMAR 2000 - Plenary Sessions
Minimax LQG Control
Approximation for the Fast Stabilization of the Wave Equation from the Boundary
Output Feedback and Tracking in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Efficient Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Large Scale Constrained Systems
The Control of Motion: from Biological to Robotic Systems
Robotic Assistants in Minimally Invasive Surgeries
Toward a Perception-based Theory of Probabilistic Reasoning
5th MMAR 1998 - Plenary Sessions
Active Noise Control in an Acoustic Chamber: Mathematical Theory
Boundary Control Systems in Factor Form: Transfer Functions and Input-Output Maps
The Role of Unstable Nonlinear Feedback in Complex Systems
Trade-off Between Energy and Entropy of Information in Control Systems
On the Use of Quaternions for Robot Interaction Control Tasks
Advances in Robotics
4th MMAR 1997 - Plenary Sessions
Shape Optimization and Optimal Design for Parabolic Control Problems
Feedback Realization of Cascade Compensators
Bilinear Transformations Between Discrete- and Continuous-time Infinite-dimensional Linear Systems
3rd MMAR 1996 - Plenary Sessions
Stability and Optimal Control of Nonlinear Descriptor Systems
μ-Analysis and Robust Stability of Positive Linear Systems
Stable Universal Adaptive Dynamics
Active Noise and Vibration Control
2nd MMAR 1995 - Plenary Sessions
Some Aspects of Recursive Least Squares and Self-Tuning
Mechatronic Approach to Robotic Modelling - Software Engineering Perspective
Automata and Languages
1st MMAR 1994 - Plenary Sessions
Logic-algebraic Method for Knowledge-based Systems
Temperatur Control Algorithms for Plastic Processing Units
Parametric Optimization of Infinite-dimensional Dynamic Systems
Reachability and Controllability of 2-D Continuous-Discrete Linear Systems
Iterative Learning Control