Author Commitment Statement

Manuscript submitted to “29th International Conference On Methods And Models In Automation And Robotics”

By uploading this manuscript, I certify that:

(1) The manuscript is submitted with the full knowledge and consent of all co-authors (if any), and that I will keep my co-authors informed of all correspondence about the manuscript.

(2) This submission represents original work that neither has appeared or has been accepted to appear elsewhere for publication, nor is simultaneously under review for another publication, in its current form. I certify that if this submission contains any of the coauthors’ previously published work(s) as a basis for this new submission, I have cited the previous work(s) and have indicated how the new submission offers substantive novel contributions beyond those of the previously published work(s).

(3) None of the authors are on the IEEE Restricted Author List.

(4) Following the conference registration policy, if my manuscript is accepted by the conference, I or one of my co-authors or colleagues will register and attend the conference to present the paper. In the event I am unable to attend the conference for any reason, it is my responsibility to ensure that the paper is presented at the conference, either by one of my co-authors or by a qualified colleague.

I also understand that

(5) After submission, my manuscript will be tested for similarity and overlap with prior published material using the iThenticate tool (or equivalent software) recommended by the IEEE. Results of such overlap will be made available to the Program Committee for evaluation. In case of possible violations of the IEEE ethics rules in publishing, the case may be reported to the IEEE Control Systems Society Committee for Ethics in Publishing.

(6) The decision regarding the acceptance of my manuscript and the possible scheduling in the conference program is at the discretion of the conference’s Technical Program Committee.