
Registration Fee (2024)

  1. basic rate (includes proceedings, lunches, banquet and all social events planned):
    • physical (on-site) for IEEE Members: 590 EURO (for Polish participants: 2800 PLN)
    • physical (on-site) for a Non-Member: 640 EURO (for Polish participants: 3100 PLN)
    • physical (on-site) for students: 360 EURO (for Polish participants: 1750 PLN)
    • online-only participation for IEEE Member: 340 EUR (for Polish participants: 1650 PLN)
    • online-only participation for a Non-Member: 390 EUR (for Polish participants: 1900 PLN)
    • online-only participation for students: 250 EURO (for Polish participants: 1200 PLN)
  2. additional paper(s) rate: 90 EURO for each extra paper (applies to authors with more than one paper, unless a co-author has also registered and paid the basic registration fee rate) (for Polish participants: 450 PLN)
  3. accompanying person charge: 250 EURO (includes lunches, banquet and all social events planned) (for Polish participants: 1050 PLN)

    Please note that the accompanying person cannot be a co-author of any paper submitted to the conference.

Method of payment

Registration fees should be paid by wire transfer only – all the information regarding payments will be given in the registration forms.

Please wait with the payment and registration until notified by a separate email. Notification about new registration forms will be sent in late May or June.

Other questions

If you have other questions about the registration process, please contact the Conference Secretariat at